Monday, September 11, 2017

Meeting a Star

We saw a couple of shows yesterday, one of them being 
It was incredibly funny and I learned it may be the first play Shakespeare wrote which is still in existence.  The ending was changed, perhaps to more reflect on modern times, and I don't think Shakespeare would disapprove.

One reason it seems like an early play is because it is the only play of his which definitely has an animal in it. You may think "that's not true" as you are thinking of the line from A Winter's Tale "exit pursued by a bear" but I can't imagine Shakespeare actually intended to have a real bear for that.

Two Gentlemen of Verona definitely calls for a dog and I got to meet this fine actor before the show.
It wasn't long before a crowd gathered for who can resist meeting a Shakespearean actor.
Here's Gertie's bio.  She had to go through quite a process to get the job.  People could fill in applications about their dogs.  Then twelve dogs were short-listed and the director met the dogs.  Gertie was the successful dog and deservedly so.  She was great and upstaged the other actors in her three scenes.
Before this we were on Granville Island.  There are so many Fringe shows to pick from.
The lady in the middle is promoting the Fringe in general.  Elizabeth's friend on the left is promoting his show in particular.
We went to this fascinating one man biographical show which will have us reading about the actual man when we have time.
There was a woman in the row in front of us who didn't seem to be paying much attention.  She didn't have her eyes focused on the actor for some of it.  It wasn't until the show was over and she reached for her white cane that I realized she was blind.  Then I realized this was a show that you could get everything from by just hearing it.  You didn't need to see it.  Cool.

Liz and I had time for Scrabble at Starbucks.
I had time to browse through Turnabout which is an upscale consignment shop.  Most of what's there I couldn't afford even at consignment prices.  Tami, here are some shoes for you - although they probably aren't first-day-of-school shoes.
We all had time for supper with a view.  You do see the water a block away, don't you?

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